6815 Noble Avenue
Van Nuys, CA 91405
T: (818) 909-5054
F: (818) 901-6660

Fellowship Programs

Through SCORE, two Fellowship Programs (Sports Medicine and Arthroscopy, and Spinal Surgery) train 6 Fellows each year in the science and art of orthopedic surgery and clinical practice.  Due to the superb reputation and accomplishments of SCOI physicians, the Programs are among the most prestigious orthopedic fellowships available in the country.

Fourteen of the SCOI surgeons are part of the fellowship training faculty providing instruction in surgical techniques, diagnostic skills, radiologic interpretation, and clinical research.  From initial office visit through diagnostic testing, non-surgical treatment, and, if necessary, surgery, the Fellow is intimately involved with the patients at the Institute. 

In addition to surgical and clinical training, Fellows take the lead on selected research projects.  The Sports Medicine Fellows are each required to complete two research projects during their fellowship year, and the Spine Fellows are required to complete one.  Potential projects include retrospective studies and outcome studies with long-term follow-up, prospective studies on new treatment techniques, and/or assisting a SCOI physician in an ongoing clinical trial.  Many of these have been cited as highly respected studies, and are used as the basis of further research.

Educational opportunities provided to the Fellows includes exposure to national conferences, local meetings, cadaver labs, and unlimited training time in the CLASroom.

Sports Medicine Fellowship

SCOI Fellows gain valuable training in all aspects of sports medicine.  The Sports Medicine Fellowship was recently expanded to include hip arthroscopy and shoulder arthroplasty.  In addition to extensive training in surgical techniques and patient diagnosis, Fellows provide on-field coverage for sports teams, hold injury clinics, and learn rehabilitation approaches.

The Sports Medicine Fellowship is accredited by the ACGME, the Arthroscopy Association of North America, and the American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine.

Spinal Surgery Fellowship

SCOI currently has one spine surgery Fellow each year, working with 5 attending spine surgeons.  They are expertly trained in a variety of spine surgical techniques and procedures, ranging from epidural injection to laminectomy to scoliosis surgery.

Spine Surgery Fellows are participants in the development of new surgical techniques, assessment of outcomes, and research into efficacy of various therapies to relieve symptom complexes relating to chronic spine pathology.



Copyright ©2010 Southern California Orthopedic Research and Education Center (SCORE)
6815 Noble Avenue • Van Nuys, CA 91405 • (818) 909-5054 • info@scoresearch.org